University Police – FY21 Operating Results & FY22 Budget

For purposes of the VC Administration 2022 Annual Report, here is the financial landscape:

 University Police 

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 
 Actual   Actual   Actual   Budget 
Total Revenue 674 702 610 645
Operating Transfers 14,149 15,772 12,528 13,337
Total Revenue & Transfers 14,822 16,474 13,138 13,982
Total Compensation 18,049 19,009 17,631 16,346
Total Non Compensation without Recharge Income 4,112 4,516 1,625 2,947
Total Expenses without Recharge Income 22,161 23,525 19,257 19,293
Total Recharge Income 7,514 7,618 6,347 5,311
Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 175 567 228 (0)
Changes in Fund Balance - Pos/(Neg) 161 (1,000) 0 (22)
Change in Net Assets - Pos/(Neg) 336 (433) 228 (22)
Beginning Balance (249) 87 (346) (118)
Ending Balance 87 (346) (118) (140)
- Source of data: Cal Reporting, POV Current Funds, Year Total, Final, and Amount in $000s. 
- 2020-21 and 2021-22 Changes in Fund Balance include divisional sweep.   
- 2021-22 Operating Transfers and Expenses include adjustments upon the campus budget decisions.