2021 VCA Annual Report - Emergency Management Office

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) works collaboratively to plan and prepare the campus for emergencies, educate the campus community about emergency preparedness, and coordinates response and recovery efforts. Their FY21 Operating Results & FY22 Budget can be found here.

OEM is under the leadership of Alicia D. Johnson, Director of Emergency Management.


During the 2020-21 academic year, OEM created a toolkit for Departments and Divisions across campus to exercise their Wildfire Response Plans. The office also administered the annual Clery Exercise and oversaw required Cleary communications to campus. 

 A special focus on reinvigorating Business Continuity capacity and resources was made during FY21 as well. 


In FY22, OEM will continue to improve and augment asynchronous exercise training capacities and further build business continuity practices for divisions and departments across campus. The department provided best practices design consultation for an improved  structure of the Event & Crisis Management Team, the campus policy-governance committee responsible for crisis management.

Image of University of California sign

Photo credit: Steve McConnell/UC Berkeley