Campus and Community Safety

Programs and projects dedicated to enhancing campus and community safety.

Image credit:
Keegan Houser

Vice Chancellor Marc Fisher

A Message from Vice Chancellor Marc Fisher

As part of its commitment to campus and community safety, UC Berkeley is considering new approaches to effective public safety to ensure that all students, faculty, and staff can pursue their academic goals in a safe and secure campus environment.

As with all campuses in the University of California system, UC Berkeley operates its own police department charged with promoting safety on campus and the surrounding community. UC Berkeley Police Department (UCPD) works with several campus departments to promote safety on campus including Facilities Services; Berkeley Technology (IT); Environmental Health & Safety; Parking & Transportation; Student Affairs; Student Conduct; the Office for Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination; Clery Compliance; Emergency Management; and others. UCPD also works closely with the City of Berkeley Police Department and those from neighboring municipalities and agencies on a coordinated approach to safety in the communities around campus.

I encourage you to become familiar and involved in the  efforts listed here. Our commitment to campus and public safety is more than a set of projects; it is a continuous effort. We will only succeed if all voices and perspectives are considered; I welcome your feedback, ideas, and suggestions.

Marc Fisher
Vice Chancellor, Administration