2022 VCA Annual Report - Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) provides procurement and supply chain services that support the teaching, research and public service mission of the University. SCM provides several services to ensure the University attains maximum value for its materials and services expenditures. SCM serves 4,000 unique users who utilize the BearBUY procurement system each month. As part of its end-to-end procurement service, SCM oversees both Business Contracts and Brand Protection, and Property Management and Library Bindery. SCM's FY21 Operating Results & FY22 Budget can be found here.

Supply Chain Management is led by Russell Chung, Chief Procurement Officer and Director. Business Contracts & Brand Protection is led by Michele Huff, Director, and Property Management & Library Bindery is led by Eric Anglim, Director.


During the 2020-2021 academic year, SCM launched the new online e-learning of BearBUY: Basics for Shoppers course to better help campus use and navigate BearBUY (UCB Procurement System). BearBUY Basics shortened a 2 hour in-person course to an online ~45 minute, self-paced course.

  • 482 employees completed this new BearBUY course in the first 60 days of launch from July-September 2021.
  • Since September 2021, 90% of all employees that have taken this eCourse have been new Berkeley employees who completed the training during their onboarding period. 
  • In addition to the eCourse, a New Shoppers Quick Reference Guide has been developed and available to campus users.

The SCM team added supplemental COVID-19 Testing with Fulgent Genetics. They negotiated with Fulgent for the lowest national price and purchased 150,000 COVID-19 PCR tests. Fulgent supplemented in-house testing labs on campus to keep Berkeley safe for students, faculty, and staff during the pandemic.

The Team also responded quickly to the remote work landscape and added a new feature in BearBUY to ship products directly to home locations for those working remotely.

  • 8,314 Purchase Orders have utilized this feature with numerous products shipped to “Work From Home” locations.
  • 2,898 IT and peripheral purchase orders, 530 chairs, and 528 desk purchase orders.

This helped to promote and support a safe productive remote working environment.

Image of Bear Buy logo
Image of the Campanile at Berkeley in 2021

Image credit: Adam Lau - Berkeley Engineering

Property Management and Library Bindery

Property Management is responsible for post-purchase processes associated with many of the physical goods needed for teaching, research, and public service. The Department provides accurate and timely delivery of purchased goods; management and control of inventory/non-inventorial equipment; sale & disposal of surplus Berkeley property; acquisition, assistance, and management of the campus's fleet of vehicles; and special event services. In FY21, Property Management's achievements included: 

  • The completion of Levnovo sales grossing $707K.
  • Implementation of in-house moving team, performing 83 projects between 9/21 and 2/22, saving campus departments 40% of external rates, on average.
  • Successfully passed a limited Property Control System Analysis.

Library Bindery Services provides durable, high-quality library and book binding services to the libraries throughout the entire UC system. In FY21, Library Bindery accomplishments included: 

  • The completion of a comprehensive pricing review, and established a sustainable pricing plan to address changing demands on binding services.
  • Participation in an American Library Association presentation panel addressing the future of Library Binding, leading to requests for services from major midwest research universities.

For FY22, the goals for Property Management and Library Bindery include: 

  • End the performance year with a net surplus (from outside sales).
  • Increase internal Moving Services Team projects by 200%.
  • Complete two (2) in-process sales of departing PI laboratory equipment.
  • Sign two (2) new Library Bindery external customers. 
Image of Property Management's inhouse moving crew

InHouse Moving Crew-L to R: Alan Harper, Shannon Rogers, Antwain Oden, Mike Gamble, and Antonio Diaz.

Image of Library Bindery machinery

Library Bindery machinery

Business Contracts & Brand Protection

Business Contracts & Brand Protection (BCBP) oversees business contracts for Berkeley and provides guidance on trademarks and intellectual property. Core to the Department’s values is conducting operations in a socially responsible manner to further the University’s mission.

BCBP collaborated with the Vice Chancellor Research Office (VCRO), Office of Intellectual Property and Industry Research Alliances (IPIRA), UCOP, Lab Directors, and the Berkeley Research Infrastructure Commons (RIC), an agglomeration of campus shared research facilities and services available to industry users to roll out new RIC facility services and access agreements. BCBP worked with each RIC-approved Lab to develop custom template agreements resulting in a streamlined process for executing facility access and service agreements.

BCBP processed the Terner Center/Facebook services agreement, a challenging, multi-year negotiation requiring multiple review levels, including with UCOP SME's, as the agreement was the first of its kind and had consequences for other UC campuses.

Collaborating with UBPS, UCOP, and various UC campuses, BCBP processed amendments to the original Metlife/Farmer’s strategic partnership agreement for five (5) additional campuses ahead of schedule, resulting in additional revenue for all eight (8) campuses.

In the 2021-22 Academic year, BCBP plans to:

  • Continue innovating ways to contain costs, increase revenue opportunities, and offer more effective services to the campus community.
  • Collaborate with other contracting offices to work on refining the contract decision tool to assist departments in properly submitting hybrid agreements.
  • Finalize and roll-out a new, interactive brand decision tool for use by campus units and external entities to determine the correct office with delegated authority for submitting and approving brand requests.
  • Continue to explore new contract management systems to augment or replace BCMS and better integrate into existing document management tools.