2022 VCA Annual Report - ERSO Region

The ERSO Region serves the College of Engineering; the College of Environmental Design; the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society; The Department of Statistics; affiliated organized research units and centers; and now supports Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

The ERSO region is under the direction of Karl Van Bibber, Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Executive Associate Dean, College of Engineering and Associate Dean, Research, in the College of Engineering; and the operational leadership of Cynthia Weekley, Assistant Dean, Human Resources, College of Engineering, and Executive Director, ERSO.


During the 2020-21 academic year, ERSO launched the Visiting Student / Visiting Student Researcher module in the ERSO Intranet. This new module facilitated paperless process and mass actions with the systemwide UCPath human resources platform. ERSO also transitioned the Department of Statistics into the ERSO Region and initiated planning for the transition of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) into ERSO from the ChaMPS Region. 

 Throughout the disruption of COVID-19, the ERSO Region provided uninterrupted service in all functional areas to faculty, staff and students during unprecedented times of uncertainty and distress. 


As ERSO looks ahead to FY22, the region will successfully conclude the full transition of MPS departments into the ERSO Region, including the full cycle of comprehensive training for new roles and responsibilities. This effort will emphasize support for all faculty and staff to ensure the migration to ERSO is smooth.

Other plans for the year call for launching a new Recruiting and Hiring module to the ERSO Intranet and continuing to build staff engagement and culture in the new hybrid work environment. 

ERSO challenges its staff to be creative in how it supports staff with a dedicated focus on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

Image of Chancellor Christ and some ERSO region staff
Image of Erso Region staff