Berkeley IT

Berkeley Information Technology

2021-22 2022-23 2023-242024-25
Actual Actual Actual Budget
Total Revenue 913 1,234 1,696 1,131
Operating Transfers 69,501 72,105 77,209 78,761
Total Revenue & Transfers 70,413 73,340 78,905 79,892
Total Compensation 52,674 59,473 62,667 69,184
Total Non Compensation without Recharge Income


28,957 29,175 26,128
Total Expenses without Recharge Income 89,472 88,430 91,842 95,312
Total Recharge Income 22,359 16,155 15,621 15,941
Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 3,301 1,065 2,684 521
Changes in Fund Balance - Pos/(Neg) (4,467) (1,514) (2,153) (1,434)
Change in Net Assets - Pos/(Neg) (1,166) (449) 531 (913)
Beginning Balance 2,819 1,653 1,204 1,735
Ending Balance 1,653 1,204 1,735 821
1. Source of data: Cal Reporting, POV Current Funds, Year Total, Final, and Amount in $000s. 
2. Changes in Fund Balance include divisional sweep if processed.   
3. 2024-25 Operating Transfers and Expenses include adjustments upon the campus budget decisions.