Berkeley's new Associate Vice Chancellor & Chief Information Officer announced

December 15, 2023

(Editor's note: A CALMessage announcement was sent to all faculty and staff from Ben Hermalin, EVCP and Marc Fisher, VC Administration on 12/15/23.)

Following a nationwide search attracting a large and diverse pool of candidates, we are delighted to announce that Tracy Shinn (frmr. Schroeder) has accepted our offer to become Berkeley’s next Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer. Tracy’s long and impressive career in higher education IT, her commitment to innovation, and her passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion in service of the public good made an immediate and lasting impression on the Search Committee. 

Tracy is currently the Vice President of Information Services & Technology and Chief Data Officer at Boston University. Tracy will finish the academic year at Boston University and join us here in Berkeley in June '24. Gabriel Gonzalez has graciously offered to stay on as Interim AVC & CIO until Tracy begins full-time.

Read the full message here.

Picture of Tracy Schroeder the new AVC and CIO