2022 VCA Annual Report - Parking and Transportation

Berkeley's Parking & Transportation (P & T) provides a full range of parking and transportation services to a diverse community of more than 44,000 students and 15,000 faculty and staff on campus, in the City of Berkeley, and around the San Francisco Bay Area. Parking & Transportation is dedicated to delivering transportation systems that complement long-term growth and development of the University, and that enhance and protect the physical attributes of the campus and surrounding area. Their FY22 Operating Results & FY23 Budget can be found here.

Check out P&T's website for details about the department and the services they provide.

Parking & Transportation is under the leadership of Seamus Wilmot, Assistant Vice Chancellor & Executive Director of Business Operations.


During FY22, Parking & Transportation started to recover from the financial hit brought on by COVID. The recovery has helped stabilize their operations and is allowing them to plan for needed future growth.

P&T was awarded a Be Smart About Safety grant to purchase two wheelchair accessible, electric GEM cars for the LOOP program. They will take delivery of the new electric cars in FY22-23.

P&T has supported a very busy Spring of in-person events on campus which included: a record setting campuswide commencement, multiple department commencements, and a very busy start to the Greek Theatre concert season.

Image of the new campus wheelchair accessible van

GEM Wheelchair Accessible e6 van.


For FY23, Parking & Transportation plans to develop the full design and receive financial model approval for a new parking structure in June 2023. Construction will begin in 2024.

The team also plans to work with the ASUC Senate and the Graduate Assembly to renew the Class Pass Referendum and make sure it is placed on the April 2023 ballot. In addition, they will institute daily parking permits to help accommodate flexible work schedules (online daily permits were launched on July 1, 2022).

Image of Alesia Woods and new campus wheelchair accessible van

P&T's Alesia Woods and the new wheelchair accessible carts.