2022 VCA Annual Report - ProS Region

The ProS Region serves professional schools including the Schools of Law, Haas, Journalisn, Optometry, Public Health, Social Welfare, Education, Goldman School of Public Policy, Berkeley Extension, and Summer Sessions, Study Abroad & Lifelong Learning.

Check out the ProS regional website to learn more about the region and the services they provide.

The ProS Region is under the direction of Ronald E. Dahl, M.D., Professor, Community Health Services, Joint Medical Program, School of Public Health, Regional Associate Dean, ProS Region; and the operational leadership of Julia Arno, Regional Director.


During FY22, the ProS Region excelled in various service aspects and in collaboration efforts with other campus partners. One such collaboration was with Berkeley’s People & Culture and other BRS partners, forming a Hiring Improvement Process Task Force in order to identify opportunities to streamline the staff hiring process and reduce the hand-offs that exist between BRS and the departments involved in the staff hiring process. Some of the streamlining achieved during this period included: reducing the time to completion for the staff new hire offer letter and simplifying the Information Data Form (IDF) requirements for new hires.

Another collaboration included an effort with other Research Administration campus partners to stage an updated training for new faculty on key resources for effective research administration on campus. This training was recorded and is now available for viewing at any time for faculty PIs and new research administration staff. 

Other accomplishments included the successful incorporation of support for the Summer Sessions, Study Abroad & Lifelong Learning (SSALL) department into the region in the areas of human resources, onboarding, research administration and procurement. The region also launched a ProS Staff Community Engagement Team to formalize efforts to strengthen a sense of inclusion and belonging for staff within the Professional Schools Region.

Image of the Pros Region Staff Picnic

ProS staff enjoying their staff picnic. 

Image of Pros regional staff enjoying a picnic activity

Some ProS staff enjoying a fun activity at their picnic.


Looking ahead to FY23, ProS intends to continue collaborating with the multiple campus partners to focus in on opportunities for ProS to help to with the process of streamlining key campus administrative processes in the areas of procurement services and research administration.

They will also fully transition Visa work into ProS HR workflows in order to reduce handoffs and enhance communication in this service area.

Another priority will be to seek out opportunities to work more closely with the UCPath Center in order to foster and support opportunities for service delivery enhancements.

Image of some Pros regional staff enjoying lunch

ProS staff enjoying some lunch. L to R: Annette Lewis, David Beausoleil, Michelle Mandujano, Kathey Leviege, and Laila Akbari.