2022 VCA Annual Report - SHARE Region

The SHARE Region serves the Division of Social Sciences, the Division of Arts & Humanities, the Undergraduate Division, College of Chemistry, Space Sciences Laboratory, and related research units.

Check out the SHARE regional website to learn more about the region and the services they provide. 

The SHARE Region is under the direction of Max Auffhammer, Professor of International Area Studies and Agricultural and Resource Economics, and Regional Associate Dean, SHARE Region; and the operational leadership of Teal Sexton, Regional Director.


FY22 was an exceptionally busy year for the SHARE Region. The region expanded to include service delivery to the College of Chemistry and the Space Sciences Lab, representing a 50% increase in the size and scope of the region.

Other accomplishments included:

  • The transition of 27 new team members that were previously in the ChaMPS region, with a focus on making them feel welcome, appreciated and included in the region’s staff culture. The SHARE team created a voluntary return-to-work collaborative space at Fourth Street and held their first in person fiesta in over two years.
  • SHARE Research Administration built and implemented a Smartsheet workspace that integrates data from Phoebe, BFS, Cal Answers and more, to facilitate processes, monitor workloads, request and track internal approvals.
  • SHARE Human Resources implemented the campus-wide new case management system, the HR Service Hub, fully regionalized the Onboarding process for all titles in SHARE, created and delivered training to our departments for the new Lecturer contract, and more!


The SHARE region team is hard at work with their goals for the next year. Efforts incluce the transition of the Visa team members into SHARE to provide integrated visa service for applicable requests across both SHARE and BEST regions, representing a majority of visa’s handled on our campus. This transition was a result of the (former) BRS Central Services team being re-aligned to People & Culture.

The region is working to launch a Professional Development incentive program that allows staff to be reimbursed for pre-approved opportunities up to $500 per year. They also plan to participate in a campus wide initiative to reduce bureaucratic burden through policy and process changes.

Image of the SHARE regional team at their 2022 celebration

 The SHARE Team at their winter celebration in December 2022.