Last week, we had another great win on the Procurement side that will benefit many of our academic units directly. UCSF and UC Berkeley identified 44% savings ($200,000) by competitively bidding a portfolio of chemicals in a reverse auction. Over the course of the 90-minute bidding event, the team collected approximately 50 bids from 4 different suppliers. The new pricing is expected to be implemented at UCSF and UC Berkeley in the January Quarter and could benefit other campuses across the UC system as well.
Congratulations to the project team: Ramsey Hanna, Ross Bausone and Susan Riddle! And to the leaders in this effort: Justin Sullivan and Jim Hine. This is another great example of how our teams are looking for new and creative ways to support our mission. This is what happens when we have people with the right skill set running up-to-date administrative systems under professional management.