Vice Chancellor's Immediate Office FY23 Operating Results and FY24 Budget

Vice Chancellor's Immediate Office

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Actual  Actual  Actual  Budget
Total Revenue 1,455 0 0 0
Operating Transfers (2,006) 211 7,446 7,725
Total Revenue & Transfers (551) 211 7,446 7,725
Total Compensation (2,837) 2,221 2,239 2,601
Total Non Compensation without Recharge Income 1,152 235 103 310
Total Expenses without Recharge Income (1,685) 2,456 2,342 2,912
Total Recharge Income 0 0 (214) (223)
Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 1,135 (2,245) 4,891 4,590
Changes in Fund Balance - Pos/(Neg) (14,362) (5,590) 1,073 315
Change in Net Assets - Pos/(Neg) (13,227) (7,835) 5,963 4,906
Beginning Balance 25,451 12,224 4,389 10,353
Ending Balance 12,224 4,389 10,353 15,258
1. Source of data: Cal Reporting, POV Current Funds, Year Total, Final, and Amount in $000s. 
2. Changes in Fund Balance include divisional sweep if processed.