Facilities Services

Facilities Services

2021-2022 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Actual Actual Actual Budget
Total Revenue 2,731 4,833 4,931 5,745
Operating Transfers 91,550 117,880 122,935 120,932
Total Revenue & Transfers 94,281 122,714 127,866 126,677
Total Compensation 61,964 69,997 73,606 77,060
Total Non Compensation without Recharge Income 56,636 86,022 72,693 73,269
Total Expenses without Recharge Income 118,601 156,020 146,279 150,330
Total Recharge Income 23,744 26,517 28,867 28,674
Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) (576) (6,789)) 10,454 5,022
Changes in Fund Balance - Pos/(Neg) 4,062 984 (5,115) 279
Change in Net Assets - Pos/(Neg) 3,486 (5,805) 5,339 5,301
Beginning Balance (3,502)) (18) (5,823) (484)
Ending Balance (18) (5,823) (484) 4,817
1. Source of data: Cal Reporting, POV Current Funds, Year Total, Final, and Amount in $000s. 
2. Changes in Fund Balance include divisional sweep if processed.
3. 2024-25 Operating Transfers include adjustments upon the campus budget decisions.
4. Office of Sustainability is merged into Facilities Services.