Berkeley IT FY22 Operating Results and FY23 Budget

Berkeley Information Technology

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Actual  Actual  Actual  Budget
Total Revenue 901 927 913 986
Operating Transfers 70,719 68,957 69,501 72,080
Total Revenue & Transfers 71,620 69,884 70,413 73,067
Total Compensation 57,624 54,563 52,674 61,319
Total Non Compensation without Recharge Income


33,915 36,798 30,411
Total Expenses without Recharge Income 89,884 88,478 89,472 91,730
Total Recharge Income (23,312) (22,299) (22,359) (21,209)
Net Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 5,048 3,705 3,301 2,546
Changes in Fund Balance - Pos/(Neg) (11,733) (6,111) (4,467) (2,755)
Change in Net Assets - Pos/(Neg) (6,685) (2,407) (1,166) (209)
Beginning Balance 11,910 5,226 2,819 758
Ending Balance 5,226 2,819 1,653 549
1. Source of data: Cal Reporting, POV Current Funds, Year Total, Final, and Amount in $000s. 
2. Recharge Income is recorded as a credit of Non-Compp in the ledger. These tables present them separately.
3. 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 Changes in Fund Balance include divisional sweep.   
4. 2022-23 Operating Transfers and Expenses include adjustments upon the campus budget decisions.