2022 VCA Annual Report - ERSO Region

The ERSO Region serves the College of Engineering; the College of Environmental Design; the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society; the Department of Statistics, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and affiliated organized research units and centers.

Check out the ERSO regional website to learn more about the region and the services they provide.

The ERSO Region is under the direction of Tarek Zhodi, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering; and the operational leadership of Cynthia Weekley, Assistant Dean, Human Resources, College of Engineering, and Executive Director, ERSO.


During the FY22 year, ERSO successfully managed the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) transition for servicing to the ERSO region. This also included the comprehensive training for new roles and responsibilities. Of special importance was supporting all the MPS faculty and staff to ensure the migration to ERSO went smoothly.

ERSO also launced the Student Recruit/Hire and Visiting Scholars and Student Researcher modules within the ERSO (onine) Intranet. 

A successful focus at the forefront was ERSO's effort to continue building staff engagement and their investment in the ERSO culture. They challenged themselves to be creative around how they support their staff with a dedicated focus on equity, inclusion, and belonging. 

FY22 also saw a transition for ERSO's Regional Associate Dean (RAD) role. Karl Van Bibber, Professor and Executive Associate Dean, Research stepped down as RAD and transitioned to Tarek Zhodi, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering.


Looking ahead  FY23, ERSO plans further stabalization of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences units into their organization while seeking to further streamline operational improvements.

The team also has a focus on their ERSO website and plans an expansion of the ERSO Intranet for new HR and payroll modules to make it easier for clients (and staff) to have additional information at their fingertips.

ERSO also plans to continue to promote individual employee professional growth in the coming year and challenge the team to become the best version of itself while delivering excellent service to the region.

Image of Karl Van Bibber and Tarek Zhodi

L to R: Outgoing RAD, Karl Van Bibber and incoming RAD, Tarek Zhodi.

Image of the ERSO team

The ERSO Team at their December 2022 holiday party.